d:two - Sunday 18th

 Performance Site: Inside


Details of Performers:Lou Fellingham

d:two - Sunday 18th



It has become a bit of a tradition to visit d:two on the Sunday before Christmas, and so it proved again for day 18 of the Living Advent Calendar.

A fundraiser for Nomad, one of Mayor Brookes’ supporter charities for the year, the audience were seated at tables in the main chapel with stollen, mince pies and soft drink courtesy of the hosts.

Pastor Roger Cole then introduced the night’s performer, Lou Fellingham, a Christian worship leader, singer and songwriter, from Brighton, accompanied on keyboard by husband Nathan. They duo were booked for a full set at D:Two later that night, but were also the surprise performance for that night’s Advent door, with a fun and festive set.

Lou encouraged the audience to stand up and sign along, and they duly obliged with gusto, with lyrics projected onto the chapel walls to assist. The set included carols such as “Oh Little Town Of Bethlehem” and “Silent Night”, as well as festive classics such as “Santa Claus Is Coming To Town” and “Rudolph The Red Nosed Reindeer”

After the performance Mayor Brookes presided over the raffle.

Night 19 now takes the Living Advent to the pavilion at Henley Cricket Club, where GPC Marketing will be partnering and providing refreshments.

Every evening Dec 1st - 24th, 6:15 to 6:45pm

Click here for map.